{"add_item_success":"You've just add a item to cart","qty_not_enough":"Quantity is not enough","have_to_agree_privacy_policy":"You have to agree Privacy Policy","have_to_agree_term":"You have to agree Terms & Conditions","have_to_choose_a_payment_method":"You have to choose a payment method","have_billing_address":"You have to have a billing address","have_to_fill_address":"You have to fill address information","add_review_success":"You added review successful","captcha_is_not_correct":"captcha is not correct","checkout_stripe":"Checkout stripe","checkout_stripe_gateway":"Checkout by stripe gateway","confirm_delete_attribute_option":"Are you sure you want to delete this option ?","confirm_delete_customize_attribute":"Are you sure you want to delete this customize attribute ?","at_least_one_filter":"You've need choose at least one filter in tab Product Type","confirm_delete_variant":"Are you sure to delete this variant ?","can_create_variant":"Now you can create variants"}
Vacuum Chamber for Testing Leaks & Integrity in Packaging